of a crappy sched && a list of desired novels/bks
I have to be better this time. Else, I would be sent to somewhere i wouldnt really like, - someplace other than elbi.
WHAT THE?!!! I wonder if that thought came out correctly.
Well, I don't TOTALLY like elbi. it's just, i think it's the better place to be.
Honestly speaking, d is starting To get into my system again thanks to my uber loose sched this sem.It gave me a lot of time for thinking of home and sometimes a time for some introspection of how big a failure i have been. Damnit.
In the pursuit of saving myself of the emo moments, I applied as a student assistant. *clap clap*
I want to work in the fully airconditioned main library -which is also an obvious attempt at escape from elbi heat.
Speaking of main lib reminds me of books which further reminds me that it has been way too long a time since i've read a book of my liking, a novel i would like read for leisure and not because it's required for a subject.
Damn. Wish my savings for this month would be enough for The Fight Club book (which happened to be out of stock in powerboks when i still had some money last summer) or any other Chuck Palahniuk.Or at least some N. Gaiman. Some Milan Kundera will be perfectly fine too.In fact, I wanted to reread his Unbearable lightness of Being only that i cant find it anywhere in the bookshelf anymore (my sister must've returned it already). Or Mario Puzo's Godfather maybe. Or P. Coehlo's 11 minutes.
Seriously, anything decent to read.
Anything except for Mitch Alboms for the reason that i just dont feel like crying.Duh. No jearterkers. please.
And no S. Meyer's for goodness sake. Her works will only leave me drooling for some overly-perfect-but seriously- non-existing - guy.
Gad. Maybe I'll resort to borrowing some book from a friend.
Rose ann! You reading? I know your rule, I damage your book, I'll die. I would risk my life anyway. Labels: musings, random stuffs
7:32 AM
Week One in Elbi
First week of classes had been pretty much a mix of exciting, interesting and fun events stringed with cases mishaps and a sad news.
TUESDAYTuesday was the official start of classes and when i woke up that tuesday, i felt thrilled. Thrilled because that was alas a fresh start which basically means new subjects, new people and new friends. new everything. But it wasnt that ecstatic feeling that made Z(who happens to be friend in high shcool, a roomate and who also happens to share the first class with me) and I to be the first non freshmen entity in the Math Bldg.Our class was supposed to start by 7am but we have arrived at 6.30am, i think.Certainly not excitement. Who would want to be so early on a Math class anyway? The freshies maybe. But heck it was my phone's fault with an outdated time. And the dysfunctional clock we have in our room. Haha. And so since we thought that we were going to be late for our first class, I have ushered her to be REALLY quick. And so we dashed off pass the Raymundo gate, CEM, then Admin until finally we arrived at MB only to find out how ghastly MB was when much of its students werent around yet.
It was just 6.3o am as the clock in MB had displayed. Haha. With that, imagine Zyan cursing with all the harshest words ever invented. And i was laughing hardly over our funny mishap.
haha. i saw Mr HOT-na-HOT-GORGEOUS-na-GORGEOUS by the corridor we were at. He must have been there early probably for a prerog. Weirdly though,i have suppressed a smile with the sight of him( which i never thought i can actually do because whenever i see him during the past year i have always had this fluttering feeling that undeniably made me smile). Well, Congrats me! :D Oh well it's probably because He wasnt that Hot nor that Gorgeous anymore as he had been the past year.
Anyway, suppressing a smile for Mr HnHGnG plus that mishap resulting with zyan forever cursing was fun.
But then there goes that sad news. When i checked my phone, i have learned about a passing of a friend. Shocked, i found myself unable to moved, as if my feet were too numb to make a step and the only words that i had been able utter was zyan's name. i remember calling her to read the message which hadnt made sense to me. She had confirmed it, she too received the message.
Nothing made sense at that moment.
Flashforward. After the math class was my Sosci 2 class which is a freshmen class by the way so I initially felt lost but i think it was Ok, with the emo feeling of isolation aside. Anyway, it's fun to see freshies act as university students. It kind of reminds me of my freshman year. Haha. :D
After sosci 2 i dont have a class anymore but i still have to do a prerog for a subject since i was still underloaded. I chose mgt 111, acounting principles 4-5:30. Unfortunately the professor didnt show up so i ended up having no additional units.
WEDNESDAYmath, stat 101 then nasci 3 then nothing.
I need to have a life. :D
A bunch of IE students were at stat 101. yey!
Nasci 3, with all its 200+ students made the PSLHB hot and crowded and arghhh!!!. I so wanna drop this subject, if not for my super lack of units, i wouldve.
Rest at dorm
Then dinner
Then Acquaintance Party at my former dormitory. Woooohoo! Hang out with former dormies.
THURSDAY Math then no sosci 2 since freshies were having their convocation ceremonies at Baker Hall.
Rest at dorm
By 1:45 i was making my way again pass raymundo gate, cem, and cas a1 to Physi Bldg.
On my way to Physci, i saw someone and i dont know if i was just disillusioned by the heat or anything else but for a moment i saw his eyes meet mine. almost instantly though, i looked away. Damn. Couldnt it be some random campus crush of mine or someone else? I couldnt bare it. there's this feeling i couldnt explain because it's really not the same feeling in the case of other campus crushes.
Labels: musings, random stuffs
6:19 AM

Want a Ride?
1:23 AM
A Hundred and eleven years ago, Gen Emilio Aguinaldo first declared our independence from the over abusive hands of our conquerors for over 3 centuries or so. It had been a sign of triumph that which hadnt been easy to achieve.Rizal had to be shot in Bagumbayan to awaken the our love for our country and incerate our passion to be free.Swords have to be drawn, guns have to be filled with ammu and be fired; and blood- of the innocent and not, of the persecutor and guitly- have to be shed.
For our Freedom's sake, constant have the brave ones fought.

After that triumphant day, other strings of important events happened :our "training for independence" under the Americans,Japanese Occupation, WW2, Edsa 1, Edsa 2 and a LOT more. A flash forward to the present times, reality poses this question to us: Are we Free?
As in really?We may have.
We may have established a government of our own- a democratic one; and have ousted some unrightful leaders of our country BUT presently speaking , WE AREN'T FREE.
Freedom of Expression may exists.Countless rallies are obvious proof to that but what echoes back almost always to those who sweat under the sun were mere shrugs of officials of this free nation who arent even moved by the deafening efforts of the ones who voice out their ideals for the nation, their pleas for fairness, their frustrations over injustices.
The scenario is always like if you have a say, form a mob.Go out to the streets and suffer dehydration,suffer hypertension, suffer all the shhits. At the end of the day, for all those shits' worth is nothing.
So what is freedom of Expression if NO ONE (in power) listens?
Secondly, we may have our
Right to vote but seriously most of us are forced to contemplate no more with who we think the right ones are for the country. Thanks to countless (and truly irritating) ads of politicians which clouds the minds of those unaware they being 'hypnotized' by the overly perfect self projections of politicians.
So, are we free? We may have because some other aspects of freedom we exercise.
But are we as free as the brave ones envisioned us to be when they fought for that ideal and have themselves killed?
I say not.
We are free of spaniards yes but in place of them are some politicians who are as control freak as our conquestors were with all their moves in the congress,senate and in elsewhere in the government to have their plans which undeniably carries their ulterior motive to benefit themselves succeed
.(..ie con-ass. you dig?) Someone in the news this night said that there was no real reason for the celebration of our independence.
I SEE HIS POINT.Credits HereLabels: independence day, musings
6:09 AM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009Y
An Invitation of Hope

*img by enzo
Labels: personal
5:59 AM
A shocker
just when everyone thought that A(H1N1) is dreadful, something else could be far worse.
and more real...not as illusive as a hyponchondriac is on contracting the disease.
a batchmate of mine was diagnosed with a stage four cancer of the lungs.
Cancer. Stage Four.
I cant imagine.
it was really a shocker.
Labels: personal
10:33 AM
On Hunting People Down
From a starting number of 3 or so, cases of confirmed people infected with the much feared A(H1N1) influenza looms to a number of 46.
Several measures such as putting up some thermal detectors at ports, campaigning for proper hygiene , postponing college classes to prevent the spread of the disease.
But why did the number of cases loom that much in just a matter of what... weeks?
Problem is, says DOH ,tracing down of people who have been in contact with people confirmed with this flu, is the tough, thus the spread.
anyway, speaking of hunting people down...
Did you know :
1. It took me weeks to finally find the Friendster Profile of my
--which i did out of mere curiousity if he is/not in some sort of
relationship. just that -didnt even add him in my list of friends
2. There'll be about several number of people who share the same name as
yours, try googling it.
-- and it felt weird to know that there is another Maria Laura Peralta
Haha. connect? point is: to actually find someone you are looking for is really hard.
Ao, people COOPERATE! else, the spread will be at non stop rate.
Labels: musings
9:08 AM
Random Musings
Maybe not having time to think is not having the wish to think.
--Steinback, The Winter of Our Discontent.
So, i havent blog for quite a time now. and it seems funny that i am using this line AGAIN for an intro.
i'm back.
Last tuesday, i went with my sister to help her shop for school thingies in NB. She had a 'crew' with her and so to save myself from the feeling of being out of place and probably boredom i went over the section of books which were on sale -- not that i've a budget to buy a book these recession days but how could one such as I be not enticed by such cheap prices for such great knowledge books can pass on its readers? oh well anyway, i found this copy of One tree Hill book and come across this passage :
Most people live 90 % in the past; 7% in the present... that leaves just
3% for the future
-j.steinback, winter of our discontent.
-oth, m.s.
Of course, that quote strucked me. Well, I cant deny that i certainly am a person of the past.
Last year, i may have been sober because ive been constantly nostalgic of my oh-so-carefree high school-days which lead to a lot of regression which then lead to a lot of fallbacks. luckily immaoutta that phase. This time , there has been a change in perspective...
Bravo me! alas! i am growing up.Well, for some reasons, let's just say that instead of being sulky because of the changes that have happened, why not be thankful for the mmrs my-ohhhh!-so-carefree-high school-days. not that i havent been thankful then.
Point is:I am embracing changes.
1. I am now a sophomore student. though as ive mentioned earlier there have been some fallbacks... my academic life has suffered a bit.
New sched. new classmates, hopefully this time i wont be that much of a snob i that i was last school year.
2. I have moved in a new dorm which means new roomies(zean is my roomate now + someone anonymous),new neighbors,new landlord and of course a new path to struggle in going home and away the campus.
Labels: personal
10:17 AM